Thursday, October 2, 2008

Something Funny!!

I have just have to tell you guys what happened to us last night at church. We were running LATE as USUAL for the Busby family. It seems that we can never be on time for anything. But that is not what I am writing to tell you about, so let me get on with it. We had just arrived at church, and I locked all the doors to the van for some strange reason, and then proceeded to get out of the car,to let Josh and Daniel out, and had left my keys in the van. Yeah left them in the van. So here I am all of 5 feet tall, and my husband and son are locked in the van with no way out. So I went into the church kinda in shock and a daze and managed to tell someone that they were locked in the van. They proceeded to try to get them out, found a sliding window about 3 feet wide and 1 foot tall. They went inside and got a little kid and he climed in the window and unlocked it. So I guess you could say that the Lord was definitely on our side that night. We are so blessed to be a part of a church that has such loving members! ;) That is all for now....

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